http://www.xa-speakers.org :: AA - Alcoholics Anonymous - Link to official site :: Men with Men 2004 :: tom-i-menwithmen2004.mp3 :: License Agreement
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 2.5
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This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.

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::: latest files
Nick G. from Los Angeles, CA speaking at the 12th Suggestion meeting in Los Angeles CA
Quality: 96kbit
Nick G. from Los Angeles, CA speaking at the 12th Suggestion meeting in Los Angeles CA
Quality: 32kbit
Hilda F. from Studio City, CA speaking at the Paramount Group in Paramount, CA
Quality: 32kbit
Jeffrey B. from Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada speaking about steps 8 and 9 at the Beacon Group in Boston, MA
Quality: 32kbit
Diane G. from Huntington Beach, CA speaking at the Paramount Group in Paramount, CA
Quality: 32kbit
Danny M. from Sherman Oaks, CA speaking at the Paramount Group in Paramount, CA
Quality: 32kbit
Mildred F. from Toronto, NJ sharing her story at the Fellowship of the Spirit in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Quality: 32kbit
Clancy I. from Venice, CA speaking at the Paramount Speaker Group in Paramount, CA
Quality: 32kbit
Carla R. from Tujunga, CA speaking at the Paramount Group in Paramount, CA
Quality: 32kbit
Theresa F. from Los Angeles, CA speaking on step 11 at the Fellowship of the Spirit in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Quality: 32kbit